who doesnt like to eat eat eat and eat? we all love eating .  we all need food if theres no food we cant live because food its the most important thing . There are many kinds of food Indonesian food ? its delicious like : satay kambing/ ayam , nasi uduk/padang/langgi and more , nasi goreng , and many more its the food you must try . Indonesian food either than that , Korean food its also good the meat its very very tender and with the saos that they put on it makes it taste better . Chinese food , who doesnt love dim sum? we all do! my favorite is mayones pangsit its really good and its crispy , also the chinese tea its refreshing even though its hot but it freshens your neck , if you have cough your throat will feel better. American food? there are pork , ribs , meat , steak , and with the side dishes mash potatoes , corn , and vegetables very delicious! And last but not least this is my two favorite food its Italian and Japanese food there are Spaghetii , Pasta , Pizza hmmm its heaven you know what it taste like right. And Japanese my favorite its tounge , sushi and more . That all about the foods that i like .


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